The 72 Days of Angels adventure took me across the 33rd Parallel of the United States where I performed various prayers, meditations, and rituals on ancient Indian Mounds in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, and Texas, and ancient Indian Ruins in New Mexico, Arizona and California.

I returned to my friend’s house in Phoenix, Arizona. Afterward, I began working at A Peace of The Universe in Scottsdale, Arizona doing Voyager Tarot card readings, birth charts, relationship charts, and healings. This was a special time in my life. I became a reverend, made some good friends, and gained more knowledge about metaphysics.

In May 2012, through an associate at A Peace of The Universe, I was invited to return to the Hopi Indian Reservation to help a Hopi family plant their sacred corn.  As fate would have it my return to Hopi took place on May 20/21, 2012, during the Ring of Fire annular eclipse of the Sun.

For the first time in 26,000 years, the Sun and Moon, and the constellation responsible for our spiritual evolution and ascension, the mystic Pleiades, aligned in a spectacular, full Annular Solar Eclipse alignment between the Earth, the Sun and, our central Sun, Alcyone in the Pleiades Constellation.  This eclipse passed directly over Hopi.

After we planted the sacred corn my new Hopi friends invited an associate and me into their home for a traditional Hopi meal. I had to pinch myself to make sure that I wasn’t dreaming.  I knew the Hopi were very private, so I couldn’t believe I had just met them and was now sharing a meal at their dining table.  It was the most magical day of my life. I was invited back to Hopi several more times over the next six months.

My friend in Phoenix got a new job in California in late 2012. I moved to the Bay Area for a few months and returned to Phoenix to manage his apartments in exchange for a place to live.  I did this so I could remain close to my friends at Hopi. I continued to work for A Peace of the Universe and remained active in the metaphysical community. That’s when I came up with the idea of someday creating a space called, The Love SHAC.

I spent the next 7 years living in Arizona. I visited Hopi countless times. I photographed them with their crops, attended many different Kachina dances in several Hopi villages, and visited ancient Hopi ruins unavailable to the general public.

I shared Hopi and my Hopi friends with several friends and family members and kept a journal of our experiences.  I’m still not sure any of them realized how rare it was to have the opportunity to visit a Hopi family in their home.  I loved every single moment at Hopi.

My most precious moment came when my Hopi friends told me they considered me family, a part of the Hopi nation. I felt very much at home at Hopi.

During those seven years, I also became a member of the Sun Spiritualist Camp in Tonopah, Arizona, where I was taught Trance Healing under the instruction of Robin Hodson from Seaford Independent Spiritualist Church in Seaford, England.

And I continued experimenting with Kabbalah’s 72 Names of God meditations/angels.

Throughout all of my traveling, I took a lot of really cool photographs.

Everything changed in early 2020, however, during the onset of COVID-19.

My friend sold the apartments in Phoenix, bought a house in the East Hills of Oakland, California, and invited me to move to California to help him with the house. It was a good thing but I didn’t want to go through lockdown alone. I left Arizona, moved to the Bay Area, and spent the next 3.5 years in California.  I was grateful to him for his companionship.

Sadly, my sister and two of my Hopi friends passed away during this time from conditions unrelated to COVID-19. But because of COVID, I wasn’t allowed to attend any services.

PART 3 >

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